*冰鮮產品按重量收費 <3日前預訂> 未經急凍
可選擇原件不拆包裝送到府上, 亦可切件抽真空獨立包裝 切大切細由你話事
Security Foods贏得了澳大利亞第一大優質和牛牛肉生產商的聲譽,產品出口到全球 20 多個國家。自 2005 年起已獲得 100% JAS 認證(日本農業標準)是日本以外唯一一家在整個 Wagyu 生產中獲得認證的公司,並且能夠對所有生產的牛隻保持 100% 的可追溯性,質量有絕對的保證。
420日穀飼純種, 油花屬M4-5級 不含激素及抗生素
西冷牛扒屬於後腰脊部位, 是最受歡迎的牛排部位之一, 肉質有彈性, 肉味濃, 油花分佈平均
**為確保冰鮮產品質素, 落單後, 客服會聯絡閣下確定產品重量再安排付款, 謝謝!
產地 : 澳洲
原價 : 1kg/$850
9折優惠 : 1kg/$765 免切件包裝加工費 免運費
* Chilled products are charged by weight <3 days order in advance>
You can choose original packaging or We can cut the size you want, with individual vacuum pack deliver to your door
Security Foods has earned a reputation as the number one producer of premium quality Wagyu Beef and markets it both domestically and internationally to over 20 countries worldwide. Since 2005 Security Foods have maintained 100% JAS accreditation (Japanese Agricultural Standards) and the only company outside of Japan to be accredited across our entire Wagyu Production meaning we are able to maintain 100% traceability on all carcasses produced.
Grain Fed 420 days, Marble score M4-5
No Hormones & No Antibiotics
Striploin is one of the popular part of steak, tenderness and beefy flavor
**To ensure the quality of chilled products, after placing the order, our customer service will contact you to confirm the weight and arrange payment after, thank you!
Origin : Australia
Original Price : 1kg/$850
10% Discount price : 1kg/$765
no cutting & packing fee no delivery fee